Monday, October 21, 2013

Back To The Grind...Food and Fitness Journal October 21, 2013

Well as I posted this morning today was the start of a more determined and more controlled diet and fitness regiment. I let myself slack a lot last week and really needed to reel myself back in. I will make this post pretty short and sweet since it is 1am!

Breakfast- Better Oats Oat Fit Apple Cinnamon Oatmeal. I added extra cinnamon and had an apple from my parents apple trees. I love these oatmeal packets. They are so easy to make and are great for tossing in a lunchbox or work bag. I also like that the package is also a measuring cup! I think I have about 5 flavors in my cupboard right now.

Lunch- A Skinny Selections Spinach and Garlic Chicken Sausage! I love these and did a quick review on them here! I also had a side salad from Wendy's with Light Ranch dressing. 

Dinner- 2 more chicken sausages with mixed vegetables. 

Snacks- Nature Box Chia Seed Crackers, a golden delicious apple, and Yoplait Banana Cream Pie Light Yogurt. All delicious and nutritious.  


I went to the gym with a friend tonight. I did 15 minutes on the personal trainer setting on the elliptical but it was bothering my hip a bit tonight so I switched to the ABX trainer and finished up another 25 minutes on there. I did a total of 4 miles towards my #100byhalloween challenge which puts me at 52. I did both of the arm workouts that were on my weekly schedule for the #FriskyFall challenge! Not sure what that is? (click here) and to check out the schedule this week (click here)

I also did a cardio workout from Café Mom’s YouTube channel. Though I am not a mom I still liked this workout. I need to focus a lot on cardio these next couple weeks and didn’t want to go to the gym so I opted for this instead. It was a pretty good little workout and I did some sweating. I did this before work. 

All and all a very successful day and well on my way to a better week....weeks!!!

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